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An Invitation to grow

Trent Jackson Trent Jackson

 A dynamic, fast-growing company in our own right, we understand at a personal level the ambitions and aspirations of businesses seeking to be number one in their respective fields. Our reputation as one of Taiwan’s top advisory firms allows us to attract an international team of the brightest, most dedicated assurance, tax and advisory specialists, providing the quality of a Big 4 accounting firm at a fraction of the price. We care about building a solid team to service our clients. Our eNPS showed that more than 75% of our employees are willing to recommend us as an employer to their families and friends.  We already serve some of the largest global enterprises in Taiwan, and invite growing businesses of all sizes to explore what we can do to turn your aspirations into a reality.” 

Trent Jackson,Manager , +886 (0)2 2789 0887 Ext. 1357