At Grant Thornton, our IFRS advisers can help you navigate the complexity of financial reporting.
IFRS support
Our IFRS advisers can help you navigate the complexity of the Standards so you can focus your time and effort on running your business.

Transfer pricing
The laws surrounding transfer pricing are becoming ever more complex, as tax affairs of multinational companies are facing scrutiny from media, regulators and the public
Tax Audit
Our trusted teams can prepare corporate tax files and ruling requests, support you with deferrals, accounting procedures and legitimate tax benefits.
Tax Appeal
Our teams have in-depth knowledge of the relationship between domestic and international tax laws.
Advance Ruling
Through our global organisation of member firms, we support both companies and individuals, providing insightful solutions to minimise the tax burden for both parties.
Tax Treaty Benefits Application
Tax Treaty Benefits Application
FINI/FIDI Tax Services
Our solutions include dealing with emigration and tax mitigation on the income and capital growth of overseas assets.
Expatriate Income Tax Filing
Our team has extensive experience in helping expatriates in Taiwan to file personal income returns and claim tax refund where applicable. We file approximately 300 expatriate personal income tax returns in Taiwan annually.
Effective bookkeeping and financial accounting are essential to the success of forward-thinking organisations. To get the optimum benefit from this part of your business, you'll need an experienced team behind you.
Inventory movement reporting
Outsourcing your operations and specific business functions to Grant Thornton can not only cut costs, but also bring new insights and experience to your business.
Payroll administration
Payroll and, in addition, personnel administration are the biggest and most time-consuming challenges facing expanding organisations. Grant Thornton’s outsourcing teams can manage these commitments on your behalf, allowing you to focus on what you do best – growing your business.
Trust account management
Running a transparent and trusted business means keeping shareholders, owners, management and other important stakeholders informed about key developments in your organisation.
VAT returns
At Grant Thornton, we understand the pressures management is under to achieve results, and for this reason we have developed systems for taking away the burden of compliance chores, leaving you to spend your time and energy on the core activities that ultimately lead to growth.
Head Office reporting
Businesses frequently outsource some of their daily operating tasks in order to focus their energy on their core competencies, while improving performance and lowering costs of their non-core activities. By saving time and money, Grant Thornton's outsourcing services allow clients to concentrate on what is really important to their business.
Executive Search
We understand that HR leaders need to focus on securing talents and this is no easy exercise. Our mission is to share best practices with our clients and help our clients to stay competitive in the market. Please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more about details of our services and how we can work together with you.
Work Permit and Employment Gold Card Application Services
Work Permit and Employment Gold Card Application Services
Expatriate Tax
Expatriate Tax
PRIMA Consulting Services
PRIMA Consulting Services
Business Operation Plan Composition
Business Operation Plan Composition
Setting up legal entities
With a global network of experts in their respective tax and regulatory environments, Grant Thornton advisors help individuals and corporations establish the type of business entity that will best position them to achieve their goals from the very start of their operations.
Liquidation and de-registration
Sometimes a business suffers an adverse event which impacts its ability to continue trading. And sometimes a solvent sale proves unsuccessful or a turnaround just isn't an option.
Update company statutory record
With a global network of experts in their respective tax and regulatory environments, Grant Thornton advisors help individuals and corporations establish the type of business entity that will best position them to achieve their goals from the very start of their operations.
Merger and Acquisition
Merger and Acquisition

Administrative remedies
Administrative remedies
Corporate legal consulting
Corporate legal consulting
Bankruptcy and restructuring
Bankruptcy and restructuring
Company dissolutions and liquidations
Company dissolutions and liquidations
Supplier and employee background investigations
Supplier and employee background investigations
Legal attest letter drafting service
Legal attest letter drafting service
Preparation and review of agreements in Chinese and English
Preparation and review of agreements in Chinese and English
Lifting restrictions on going abroad
Lifting restrictions on going abroad
Labor law compliance and labor-management negotiation
Labor law compliance and labor-management negotiation
Business and personal asset planning
Inheritance, inheritance tax, family business, and personal asset planning
Not for profit organizations
Not for profit organizations
Our response to the European Commission's capital market proposals
The European Commission (EC) recently announced plans to explore creating more integrated and deeper capital markets across its 28 Member States. Targeting a 2019 launch, the Capital Markets Union (CMU) aims to streamline financial markets and allow businesses access to more diverse financing sources, regardless of geographic location within the EU. Grant Thornton recently submitted recommendations to the EC on those efforts we believe can most help mid-sized businesses (MSBs) benefit from the proposal (click here to read the full response).
An action plan to benefit growing businesses
As an organisation focused on helping dynamic companies unlock their potential for growth, Grant Thornton is familiar with the challenges facing growing businesses. With more than 50,000 member firm clients operating across more than 130 markets, Grant Thornton member firms are addressing issues which impact clients’ growth. Access to finance remains one of the core challenges for these companies, regardless of where our firms and their clients do business.
According to recent World Bank data, more than 225,000 mid-sized businesses (MSBs) operate in the European Union, generally employing between 50 and 250 people. Grant Thornton is familiar with the challenges these companies face, challenges which reflect the dual track recovery across Europe. Specifically, we have observed:
- lending conditions in Germany, the UK, and France are still tough but appear less stringent than those facing growing companies in Greece, Spain, and Italy
- larger businesses generally find it easier to access finance than smaller MSBs
- companies operating as part of an established supply chain find it easier to secure capital.
The most striking of these challenges, particularly for growing MSBs who are regularly engaged in exporting goods or services, is that similarly positioned businesses in Germany, France and Sweden are far more likely to obtain capital than their equivalents in Spain, Italy and Greece. In a recent Grant Thornton International Business Report survey, 35% of southern European businesses cited access to finance as a growth constraint, compared to just 22% across the EU as a whole (and just 14% in North America).
This is not primarily due to a higher risk thresholds at the banks, but rather that there is limited lending capital in these markets. In the wider view, the challenge for MSBs is that even when bank capital is readily available, access to the equity capital markets is not a feasible option.
There is limited data on the impact of these MSBs to the European economy[1]; yet we know that MSBs are critical to the health of any economy because they are trading, expanding, hiring, and developing new products. To mobilise substantial funding across Europe in to both the MSBs and SME market requires fresh thinking and a capital market that:
- delivers what finance providers state they need to make informed decisions
- is clearly recognised and understood by those seeking capital
- is structured to allow bundling, securitisation, secondary markets to deliver efficient investment flows.
Delivering information providers need to expand access to finance
CMU represents a critical opportunity to expand access to finance to the MSB market segment. However, the needs of MSBs differ significantly from those of the micro and small businesses although they are frequently pooled together. Conversely, information needs from providers do not currently align with information made available from the MSB segment.
We recommend that the Commission consider a study to assess the specific needs of dynamic MSBs, because these companies will be the primary drivers of Europe's growth.
Further, we recommend that the accountancy profession leverage its unique insight into the mid-sized market and support the provision of an aggregate view of financial and non-financial characteristics of successful mid-sized businesses across Europe, using its combined data and analytics power to support risk and credit insights for this market.
Creating an environment for growth
Grant Thornton UK’s work with the Growth Accelerator business support programme has shown us that high growth companies succeed when they work closely with business advisors and consult with experts to understand and access the best finance options. Success is also more likely when growing businesses access government-backed programmes dedicated to these businesses – however, there is low awareness of these programmes generally, including current programmes in place across Europe. We recommend the Commission consider such programmes as an important part of the execution of any capital markets strategy with small and mid-sized businesses as beneficiaries. Further, we recommend that the Commission focus on awareness building of existing programmes as an immediate priority to help support the growth of these businesses while the CMU is in development.
Simple and consistent tax incentives and tax treatment
Finally, we recommend simple and consistent tax incentives and tax treatments be made available across Europe, as investors will have an important role to play in the success of the CMU.
The Capital Markets Union is a programme with significant potential to benefit small and mid-sized businesses throughout Europe. As the major capital markets continue to improve, it is possible to envision capital again flowing freely to large corporates, with small and mid-sized businesses left without access. We encourage the Commission to hold to its vision for the long term structure and intent of the programme, and deliver a CMU that will support Europe’s growth for the future.
For more information about the consultation, contact your local Grant Thornton office.
To stay up to date on these and other developments affecting your business, follow Grant Thornton International on Twitter and LinkedIn.
[1] Most available analysis merges the impact of micro, small and medium sized businesses; a notable exception is the recently released report “Hidden Impact: The Vital Role of Mid-Market Enterprises” HSBC Bank Plc, March 2015.